info.voidstar/tbnl.figurehead0.1.1-SNAPSHOTfigurehead sits on device and is controlled by mastermind dependencies
| (this space intentionally left almost blank) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(ns (:require (figurehead.util [services :as services :refer [get-service]])) (:require [clojure.string :as str] [ :as io]) (:import ( IActivityManager IActivityController$Stub) (android.content Intent))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare set-activity-controller) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
set ActivityController | (defn set-activity-controller [{:keys [reset? activity-controller activity-starting activity-resuming app-crashed app-early-not-responding app-not-responding system-not-responding] :as args}] (let [activity-manager ^IActivityManager (get-service :activity-manager) activity-controller (cond reset? nil activity-controller activity-controller :else (proxy [IActivityController$Stub] [] (activityStarting [^Intent intent package] (locking this (if activity-starting (activity-starting intent package) true))) (activityResuming [package] (locking this (if activity-resuming (activity-resuming package) true))) (appCrashed [process-name pid short-msg long-msg time-millis stack-trace] (locking this (if app-crashed (app-crashed process-name pid short-msg long-msg time-millis stack-trace) true))) (appEarlyNotResponding [process-name pid annotation] (locking this (if app-early-not-responding (app-early-not-responding process-name pid annotation) 1))) (appNotResponding [process-name pid process-stats] (locking this (if app-not-responding (app-not-responding process-name pid process-stats) 1))) (systemNotResponding [msg] (locking this (if system-not-responding (system-not-responding msg) 1)))))] (.setActivityController activity-manager activity-controller))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
am (Activity Manager) wrapper | (ns (:require (core [state :as state :refer [defcommand]])) (:require (figurehead.util [services :as services :refer [get-service]]) (figurehead.api.content [intent :as intent])) (:require [clojure.string :as str] [ :as io]) (:import ( IActivityManager AppOpsManager) (android.content Intent IIntentReceiver$Stub ComponentName) ( Uri) (android.os Bundle Binder))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare start-activity start-service force-stop kill kill-all send-broadcast hang intent-to-uri) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
start an Activity (accept all figurehead.api.content.intent/make-intent arguments) | (defcommand start-activity [{:keys [wait?] :as args}] (let [intent ^Intent (intent/make-intent args) activity-manager ^IActivityManager (get-service :activity-manager) mime-type (atom nil)] (when intent (reset! mime-type (.getType intent)) (when (and (not @mime-type) (.getData intent) (= (.. intent getData getScheme) "content")) (reset! mime-type (.getProviderMimeType activity-manager (.getData intent) 0))) (if wait? (.. activity-manager ^IactivityManager$WaitResult (startActivityAndWait nil nil ^Intent intent ^String @mime-type nil nil 0 0 nil nil nil 0) result) (.. activity-manager (startActivityAsUser nil nil ^Intent intent ^String @mime-type nil nil 0 0 nil nil nil 0)))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
start Service (accept all figurehead.api.content.intent/make-intent arguments) | (defcommand start-service [{:keys [] :as args}] (let [intent ^Intent (intent/make-intent args) activity-manager ^IActivityManager (get-service :activity-manager)] (when intent (.. activity-manager ^ComponentName (startService nil intent (.getType intent) 0))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
force stop a Package | (defcommand force-stop [{:keys [package] :as args}] (let [activity-manager ^IActivityManager (get-service :activity-manager)] (.forceStopPackage activity-manager package 0))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
kill a Package | (defcommand kill [{:keys [package] :as args}] (let [activity-manager ^IActivityManager (get-service :activity-manager)] (.killBackgroundProcesses activity-manager package 0))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
kill all Packages | (defcommand kill-all [{:keys [] :as args}] (let [activity-manager ^IActivityManager (get-service :activity-manager)] (.killAllBackgroundProcesses activity-manager))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
send broadcast | (defcommand send-broadcast [{:keys [perform-receive receiver-permission] :as args}] (let [intent ^Intent (intent/make-intent args) activity-manager ^IActivityManager (get-service :activity-manager) intent-receiver (proxy [IIntentReceiver$Stub] [] (performReceive [^Intent intent result-code ^String data ^Bundle extras ordered sticky sending-user] (when perform-receive (perform-receive {:intent intent :result-code result-code :data data :extras extras :ordered ordered :sticky sticky :sending-user sending-user}))))] (when (and intent intent-receiver) (.broadcastIntent activity-manager nil intent nil intent-receiver 0 nil nil receiver-permission AppOpsManager/OP_NONE true false 0)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
hang | (defcommand hang [{:keys [allow-restart] :as args}] (let [activity-manager ^IActivityManager (get-service :activity-manager)] (.hang activity-manager (Binder.) allow-restart))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
convert intent to URI | (defcommand intent-to-uri [{:keys [intent-scheme?] :as args}] (let [intent ^Intent (intent/make-intent args)] (when (and intent) (.toUri intent (if intent-scheme? Intent/URI_INTENT_SCHEME 0))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
create android.content.Intent | (ns figurehead.api.content.intent (:require (core [state :as state :refer [defcommand]])) (:import (android.content Intent ComponentName) (android.os Bundle) ( Uri))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare make-intent) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
make an Intent object | (defcommand make-intent [{:keys [action categories extras package component flags ^Uri data type wild-card ] :as args}] (let [intent (Intent.)] ;; action (when action (.setAction ^Intent intent action)) ;; a seq of categories (when categories (doseq [category categories] (.addCategory ^Intent intent category))) ;; a seq of extras (when extras (doseq [[key val] extras] (.putExtra ^Intent intent key val))) ;; package (when package (.setPackage ^Intent intent package)) ;; component (when component (.setComponent ^Intent intent (ComponentName/unflattenFromString component))) ;; flags can be either a number or a seq of individual flags (Intent/FLAG_*) (when flags (cond (number? flags) (.setFlags ^Intent intent flags) (seq? flags) (doseq [flag flags] (.addFlags ^Intent intent flag)))) ;; data and type (.setDataAndType ^Intent intent data type) ;; free-form wild-card (when wild-card (let [wild-card (str wild-card)] (cond (>= (.indexOf wild-card ":") 0) (do ;; wild-card is a URI; fully parse it (.setData intent (Intent/parseUri wild-card Intent/URI_INTENT_SCHEME))) (>= (.indexOf wild-card "/") 0) (do ;; wild-card is a component name; build an intent to launch it (.setAction ^Intent intent Intent/ACTION_MAIN) (.addCategory ^Intent intent Intent/CATEGORY_LAUNCHER) (.setComponent ^Intent intent (ComponentName/unflattenFromString wild-card))) :else (do ;; assume wild-card is a package name (.setAction ^Intent intent Intent/ACTION_MAIN) (.addCategory ^Intent intent Intent/CATEGORY_LAUNCHER) (.setPackage ^Intent intent wild-card))))) intent)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
pm (Package Manager) wrapper | (ns (:require (core [state :as state :refer [defcommand]])) (:require (figurehead.util [services :as services :refer [get-service]])) (:require [ :as parser] [figurehead.api.util.file :as util-file]) (:require [clojure.string :as str] [ :as io]) (:import ( IActivityManager) (android.content ComponentName) ( ActivityInfo ApplicationInfo ContainerEncryptionParams FeatureInfo IPackageDataObserver IPackageDataObserver$Stub IPackageDeleteObserver IPackageDeleteObserver$Stub IPackageInstallObserver IPackageInstallObserver$Stub IPackageManager InstrumentationInfo PackageInfo PackageItemInfo PackageManager ParceledListSlice PermissionGroupInfo PermissionInfo ProviderInfo ServiceInfo UserInfo VerificationParams) (android.content.res AssetManager Resources) ( Uri) (android.os IUserManager RemoteException ServiceManager UserHandle UserManager) (android.util Base64) ( PackageHelper) ( File) (javax.crypto SecretKey) (javax.crypto.spec IvParameterSpec SecretKeySpec) ( FileUtils))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare get-raw-packages get-packages get-all-package-names get-package-components get-raw-features get-features get-raw-libraries get-libraries get-raw-instrumentations get-instrumentations get-raw-permission-groups get-permissions-by-group get-install-location set-install-location push-file pull-file make-package-install-observer install-package make-package-delete-observer uninstall-package make-package-data-observer clear-package-data) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
get all packages on this device | (defcommand get-raw-packages [{:keys [] :as args}] (let [^IPackageManager package-manager (get-service :package-manager)] (let [packages (.. package-manager (getInstalledPackages (bit-or PackageManager/GET_ACTIVITIES PackageManager/GET_CONFIGURATIONS PackageManager/GET_DISABLED_COMPONENTS PackageManager/GET_DISABLED_UNTIL_USED_COMPONENTS PackageManager/GET_GIDS PackageManager/GET_INSTRUMENTATION PackageManager/GET_INTENT_FILTERS PackageManager/GET_PERMISSIONS PackageManager/GET_PROVIDERS PackageManager/GET_RECEIVERS PackageManager/GET_SERVICES PackageManager/GET_SIGNATURES) 0) getList)] (seq packages)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get all packages on this device | (defcommand get-packages [{:keys [brief?] :as args}] (let [packages (get-raw-packages {}) result (atom {})] (doseq [^PackageInfo package packages] (let [package (parser/parse-package-info package)] (swap! result assoc (keyword (:package-name package)) (when-not brief? package)))) @result)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get list of package names | (defcommand get-all-package-names [{:keys [] :as args}] (let [packages (get-raw-packages {}) result (atom #{})] (doseq [^PackageInfo package packages] (swap! result conj (keyword (.packageName package)))) @result)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get app components for a specific package | (defcommand get-package-components [{:keys [package] :as args}] (when package (let [package-manager ^IPackageManager (get-service :package-manager)] (when-let [pkg-info (.getPackageInfo package-manager (cond (keyword? package) (name package) (sequential? package) (str/join "." (map #(cond (keyword? %) (name %) :else (str %)) package)) :else (str package)) (bit-or PackageManager/GET_ACTIVITIES PackageManager/GET_PROVIDERS PackageManager/GET_RECEIVERS PackageManager/GET_SERVICES PackageManager/GET_PERMISSIONS) 0)] {:activities (set (for [^ActivityInfo activity (.activities pkg-info)] (keyword (.name activity)))) :services (set (for [^ServiceInfo service (.services pkg-info)] (keyword (.name service)))) :providers (set (for [^ProviderInfo provider (.providers pkg-info)] (keyword (.name provider)))) :receivers (set (for [^ActivityInfo receiver (.receivers pkg-info)] (keyword (.name receiver)))) :permissions (set (for [^PermissionInfo permission (.permissions pkg-info)] (keyword (.name permission))))})))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get all features on this device | (defcommand get-raw-features [{:keys [] :as args}] (let [^IPackageManager package-manager (get-service :package-manager)] (let [features (.. package-manager getSystemAvailableFeatures)] (seq features)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get all features on this device | (defcommand get-features [{:keys [brief?] :as args}] (let [features (get-raw-features {}) result (atom {})] (doseq [^FeatureInfo feature features] (let [feature (parser/parse-feature-info feature)] (swap! result assoc (keyword (:name feature)) (when-not brief? feature)))) @result)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get all libraries on this device | (defcommand get-raw-libraries [{:keys [] :as args}] (let [^IPackageManager package-manager (get-service :package-manager)] (let [libraries (.. package-manager getSystemSharedLibraryNames)] (seq libraries)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get all libraries on this device | (defcommand get-libraries [{:keys [] :as args}] (let [libraries (get-raw-libraries {}) result (atom [])] (doseq [^String library libraries] (swap! result conj library)) @result)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get installed instrumentations on this device, optional for a specific package | (defcommand get-raw-instrumentations [{:keys [^String package] :as args}] (let [^IPackageManager package-manager (get-service :package-manager)] (let [instrumentations (.. package-manager (queryInstrumentation package 0))] (seq instrumentations)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get installed instrumentations on this device, optional for a specific package | (defcommand get-instrumentations [{:keys [^String package brief?] :as args}] (let [instrumentations (get-raw-instrumentations {:package package}) result (atom {})] (doseq [^InstrumentationInfo instrumentation instrumentations] (let [instrumentation (parser/parse-instrumentation-info instrumentation)] (swap! result assoc (keyword (:name instrumentation)) (when-not brief? instrumentation)))) @result)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get permission groups | (defcommand get-raw-permission-groups [{:keys [] :as args}] (let [^IPackageManager package-manager (get-service :package-manager)] (let [permission-groups (.. package-manager (getAllPermissionGroups 0))] (seq permission-groups)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get all permissions by group | (defcommand get-permissions-by-group [{:keys [brief?] :as args}] (let [permission-groups (get-raw-permission-groups {}) result (atom {})] (doseq [^PermissionGroupInfo permission-group permission-groups] (let [permission-group (parser/parse-permission-group-info permission-group)] (swap! result assoc (keyword (:name permission-group)) (merge {} (when-not brief? permission-group) {:permissions (let [^IPackageManager package-manager (get-service :package-manager) result (atom {})] (doseq [^PermissionInfo permission (.queryPermissionsByGroup package-manager (:name permission-group) 0)] (let [permission (parser/parse-permission-info permission)] (swap! result assoc (keyword (:name permission)) (when-not brief? permission)))) @result)})))) @result)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get install location | (defcommand get-install-location [{:keys [] :as args}] (let [^IPackageManager package-manager (get-service :package-manager) location (.getInstallLocation package-manager)] (cond (= location PackageHelper/APP_INSTALL_AUTO) :auto (= location PackageHelper/APP_INSTALL_EXTERNAL) :external (= location PackageHelper/APP_INSTALL_INTERNAL) :internal :else location))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
set install location | (defcommand set-install-location [{:keys [location] :or {location 0} :as args}] {:pre [(contains? #{PackageHelper/APP_INSTALL_AUTO PackageHelper/APP_INSTALL_EXTERNAL PackageHelper/APP_INSTALL_INTERNAL :auto :internal :external} location)]} (let [location (cond (contains? #{PackageHelper/APP_INSTALL_AUTO PackageHelper/APP_INSTALL_EXTERNAL PackageHelper/APP_INSTALL_INTERNAL} location) location (contains? #{:auto :internal :external} location) ({:auto PackageHelper/APP_INSTALL_AUTO :internal PackageHelper/APP_INSTALL_INTERNAL :external PackageHelper/APP_INSTALL_EXTERNAL} location))] (when location (let [^IPackageManager package-manager (get-service :package-manager)] (.setInstallLocation package-manager location))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
push Base64-encoded content to device and write to file | (defcommand push-file [{:keys [^String content file] :as args}] {:pre [content file]} (when (and content file) (util-file/write-file {:file file :content content}))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
pull file from device and encode to Base64-encoded content | (defcommand pull-file [{:keys [file] :as args}] {:pre [file]} (when (and file) (util-file/read-file {:file file :content? true}))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
make instance of IPackageInstallObserver$Stub | (defcommand make-package-install-observer [{:keys [package-installed] :as args}] (proxy [IPackageInstallObserver$Stub] [] (packageInstalled [package-name status] (locking this (when package-installed (package-installed package-name status)))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
install package | (defcommand install-package [{:keys [apk-file-name package-name forward-lock? replace-existing? allow-test? external? internal? allow-downgrade?] :as args}] (when (and apk-file-name package-name) (let [^IPackageManager package-manager (get-service :package-manager) flags (atom 0) apk-uri (Uri/fromFile (io/file apk-file-name))] (when (and apk-uri) (when forward-lock? (swap! flags bit-or PackageManager/INSTALL_FORWARD_LOCK)) (when replace-existing? (swap! flags bit-or PackageManager/INSTALL_REPLACE_EXISTING)) (when allow-test? (swap! flags bit-or PackageManager/INSTALL_ALLOW_TEST)) (when external? (swap! flags bit-or PackageManager/INSTALL_EXTERNAL)) (when internal? (swap! flags bit-or PackageManager/INSTALL_INTERNAL)) (when allow-downgrade? (swap! flags bit-or PackageManager/INSTALL_ALLOW_DOWNGRADE)) (let [finished? (promise) result (atom 0)] (.installPackage package-manager apk-uri (make-package-install-observer {:package-installed (fn [package-name status] (reset! result status) (deliver finished? true))}) @flags package-name) @finished? @result))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
make instance of IPackageDeleteObserver$Stub | (defcommand make-package-delete-observer [{:keys [package-deleted] :as args}] (proxy [IPackageDeleteObserver$Stub] [] (packageDeleted [package-name return-code] (locking this (when package-deleted (package-deleted package-name return-code)))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
uninstall package | (defcommand uninstall-package [{:keys [package keep-data?] :or {keep-data? true} :as args}] (when package (let [^IPackageManager package-manager (get-service :package-manager) flags (atom PackageManager/DELETE_ALL_USERS) finished? (promise) successful? (atom false)] (when keep-data? (swap! flags bit-or PackageManager/DELETE_KEEP_DATA)) (.deletePackageAsUser package-manager package (make-package-delete-observer {:package-deleted (fn [package-name return-code] (reset! successful? (= return-code PackageManager/DELETE_SUCCEEDED)) (deliver finished? true))}) UserHandle/USER_OWNER @flags) @finished? @successful?))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
make instance of IPackageDataObserver$Stub | (defcommand make-package-data-observer [{:keys [on-remove-completed] :as args}] (proxy [IPackageDataObserver$Stub] [] (onRemoveCompleted [package-name succeeded] (locking this (when on-remove-completed (on-remove-completed package-name succeeded)))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
clear package data | (defcommand clear-package-data [{:keys [package] :as args}] (when package (let [^IActivityManager activity-manager (get-service :activity-manager) finished? (promise) successful? (atom false)] (.clearApplicationUserData activity-manager package (make-package-data-observer {:on-remove-completed (fn [package-name succeeded] (reset! successful? succeeded) (deliver finished? true))}) UserHandle/USER_OWNER) @finished? @successful?))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
parse Package Manager objects into Clojure data structures | (ns (:require (figurehead.util [services :as services :refer [get-service]])) (:import (android.content ComponentName) ( ActivityInfo ApplicationInfo ComponentInfo ConfigurationInfo ContainerEncryptionParams FeatureInfo IPackageDataObserver IPackageDeleteObserver IPackageInstallObserver IPackageInstallObserver$Stub IPackageManager InstrumentationInfo PackageInfo PackageItemInfo PackageManager ParceledListSlice PermissionGroupInfo PermissionInfo ProviderInfo ServiceInfo UserInfo VerificationParams) (android.content.res AssetManager Resources) ( Uri) (android.os IUserManager RemoteException ServiceManager UserHandle UserManager) ( Drawable) (java.util WeakHashMap) (javax.crypto SecretKey) (javax.crypto.spec IvParameterSpec SecretKeySpec))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare resource-cache get-resources-by-package-name get-resources load-res-string load-res-resource-name load-res-drawable parse-package-info parse-package-item-info parse-component-info parse-activity-info parse-application-info parse-configuration-info parse-instrumentation-info parse-permission-group-info parse-permission-info parse-provider-info parse-feature-info parse-service-info) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
resource cache {package-name resources} | (def resource-cache (WeakHashMap.)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get resources by package name | (defn ^Resources get-resources-by-package-name [^String package-name] (if-let [res (.get ^WeakHashMap resource-cache package-name)] res (let [^IPackageManager package-manager (get-service :package-manager) ^ApplicationInfo application-info (.getApplicationInfo package-manager package-name 0 0) ^AssetManager asset-manager (AssetManager.)] (.addAssetPath asset-manager (.publicSourceDir application-info)) (let [res (Resources. asset-manager nil nil)] (.put ^WeakHashMap resource-cache package-name res) res)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get resources | (defn ^Resources get-resources [^PackageItemInfo package-item-info] (let [package-name (.packageName package-item-info)] (get-resources-by-package-name package-name))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
load string from resource | (defn ^String load-res-string [^PackageItemInfo package-item res non-localized] (let [resource (get-resources package-item)] (cond non-localized (str non-localized) (and resource res (not= res 0)) (.getString resource res)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
load resource name from resource | (defn ^String load-res-resource-name [^PackageItemInfo package-item res] (let [resource (get-resources package-item)] (when (and resource res (not= res 0)) (.getResourceName resource res)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
load drawable from resource | (defn ^Drawable load-res-drawable [^PackageItemInfo package-item res] (let [resource (get-resources package-item)] (when (and resource res (not= res 0)) (.getDrawable resource res)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
parse PackageInfo | (defn parse-package-info [^PackageInfo package] (merge {} {:activities (set (map parse-activity-info (.activities package))) :application-info (parse-application-info (.applicationInfo package)) :config-preferences (set (map parse-configuration-info (.configPreferences package))) :first-install-time (.firstInstallTime package) :gids (set (.gids package)) :install-location (#(case % PackageInfo/INSTALL_LOCATION_AUTO :auto PackageInfo/INSTALL_LOCATION_INTERNAL_ONLY :internal-only PackageInfo/INSTALL_LOCATION_PREFER_EXTERNAL :prefer-external PackageInfo/INSTALL_LOCATION_UNSPECIFIED :unspecified %) (.installLocation package)) :instrumentation (set (map parse-instrumentation-info (.instrumentation package))) :last-update-time (.lastUpdateTime package) :package-name (.packageName package) :permissions (set (map parse-permission-info (.permissions package))) :providers (set (map parse-provider-info (.providers package))) :receivers (set (map parse-activity-info (.receivers package))) :req-features (set (map parse-feature-info (.reqFeatures package))) :requested-permissions (zipmap (vec (.requestedPermissions package)) (vec (map #(let [flags (atom #{})] (when (bit-and % PackageInfo/REQUESTED_PERMISSION_GRANTED) (swap! flags conj :granted)) (when (bit-and % PackageInfo/REQUESTED_PERMISSION_REQUIRED) (swap! flags conj :required)) @flags) (.requestedPermissionsFlags package)))) :required-account-type (.requiredAccountType package) :required-for-all-users (.requiredForAllUsers package) :restricted-account-type (.restrictedAccountType package) :services (set (map parse-service-info (.services package))) :shared-user-id (.sharedUserId package) :shared-user-label (.sharedUserLabel package) :signatures (set (.signatures package)) :version-code (.versionCode package) :version-name (.versionName package)})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
parse PackageItemInfo | (defn parse-package-item-info [^PackageItemInfo package-item] (merge {} {:icon (load-res-drawable package-item (.icon package-item)) :label (load-res-string package-item (.labelRes package-item) (.nonLocalizedLabel package-item)) :label-res (.labelRes package-item) :logo (load-res-drawable package-item (.logo package-item)) :meta-data (.metaData package-item) :name (.name package-item) :non-localized-label (str (.nonLocalizedLabel package-item)) :package-name (.packageName package-item)})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
parse ComponentInfo | (defn parse-component-info [^ComponentInfo component] (merge {} (parse-package-item-info component) {:application-info (parse-application-info (.applicationInfo component)) :description (load-res-string component (.descriptionRes component) nil) :description-res (.descriptionRes component) :enabled (.enabled component) :exported (.exported component) :process-name (.processName component)})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
parse ActivityInfo | (defn parse-activity-info [^ActivityInfo activity] (merge {} (parse-component-info activity) {:config-changes (#(let [flags (atom #{})] (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/CONFIG_DENSITY) (swap! flags conj :density)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/CONFIG_FONT_SCALE) (swap! flags conj :font-scal)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/CONFIG_KEYBOARD) (swap! flags conj :keyboard)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/CONFIG_KEYBOARD_HIDDEN) (swap! flags conj :keyboard-hidden)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/CONFIG_LAYOUT_DIRECTION) (swap! flags conj :layout-direction)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/CONFIG_LOCALE) (swap! flags conj :locale)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/CONFIG_MCC) (swap! flags conj :mcc)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/CONFIG_MNC) (swap! flags conj :mnc)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/CONFIG_NAVIGATION) (swap! flags conj :navigation)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/CONFIG_ORIENTATION) (swap! flags conj :orientation)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT) (swap! flags conj :screen-layout)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE) (swap! flags conj :screen-size)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/CONFIG_SMALLEST_SCREEN_SIZE) (swap! flags conj :smallest-screen-size)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN) (swap! flags conj :touchscreen)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/CONFIG_UI_MODE) (swap! flags conj :ui-mode)) @flags) (.configChanges activity)) :flags (#(let [flags (atom #{})] (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/FLAG_ALLOW_TASK_REPARENTING) (swap! flags conj :allow-task-reparenting)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/FLAG_ALWAYS_RETAIN_TASK_STATE) (swap! flags conj :always-retain-task-state)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/FLAG_CLEAR_TASK_ON_LAUNCH) (swap! flags conj :clear-task-on-launch)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/FLAG_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS) (swap! flags conj :exclude-from-recents)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/FLAG_FINISH_ON_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS) (swap! flags conj :finish-on-close-system-dialogs)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/FLAG_FINISH_ON_TASK_LAUNCH) (swap! flags conj :finish-on-task-launch)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED) (swap! flags conj :hardware-accelerated)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/FLAG_IMMERSIVE) (swap! flags conj :immersive)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/FLAG_MULTIPROCESS) (swap! flags conj :multiprocess)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/FLAG_NO_HISTORY) (swap! flags conj :no-history)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/FLAG_PRIMARY_USER_ONLY) (swap! flags conj :primary-user-only)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/FLAG_SHOW_ON_LOCK_SCREEN) (swap! flags conj :show-on-lock-screen)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/FLAG_SINGLE_USER) (swap! flags conj :single-user)) (when (bit-and % ActivityInfo/FLAG_STATE_NOT_NEEDED) (swap! flags conj :state-not-needed)) @flags) (.flags activity)) :launch-mode (#(case % ActivityInfo/LAUNCH_MULTIPLE :multiple ActivityInfo/LAUNCH_SINGLE_INSTANCE :single-instance ActivityInfo/LAUNCH_SINGLE_TASK :single-task ActivityInfo/LAUNCH_SINGLE_TOP :single-top %) (.launchMode activity)) :parent-activity-name (.parentActivityName activity) :permission (.permission activity) :screen-orientation (#(case % ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_BEHIND :behind ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_FULL_SENSOR :full-sensor ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_FULL_USER :full-user ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE :landscape ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LOCKED :locked ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_NOSENSOR :nosensor ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT :portrait ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE :reverse-landscape ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT :reverse-potrait ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR :sensor ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE :sensor-landscape ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_PORTRAIT :sensor-portrait ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED :unspecified ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER :user ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_LANDSCAPE :user-landscape ActivityInfo/SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_PORTRAIT :user-portrait %) (.screenOrientation activity)) :soft-input-mode (.softInputMode activity) :target-activity (.targetActivity activity) :task-affinity (.taskAffinity activity) :theme (load-res-resource-name activity (.theme activity)) :ui-options (#(case % ActivityInfo/UIOPTION_SPLIT_ACTION_BAR_WHEN_NARROW :split-action-bar-when-narrow %) (.uiOptions activity))})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
parse ApplicationInfo | (defn parse-application-info [^ApplicationInfo application] (merge {} (parse-package-item-info application) {:backup-agent-name (.backupAgentName application) :class-name (.className application) :compatible-width-limit-dp (.compatibleWidthLimitDp application) :data-dir (.dataDir application) :description (load-res-string application (.descriptionRes application) nil) :description-res (.descriptionRes application) :enabled (.enabled application) :enabled-setting (.enabledSetting application) :flags (#(let [flags (atom #{})] (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_ALLOW_BACKUP) (swap! flags conj :allow-backup)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_ALLOW_CLEAR_USER_DATA) (swap! flags conj :allow-clear-user-data)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_ALLOW_TASK_REPARENTING) (swap! flags conj :allow-task-reparenting)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_CANT_SAVE_STATE) (swap! flags conj :cant-save-state)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_DEBUGGABLE) (swap! flags conj :debuggable)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) (swap! flags conj :external-storage)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_FACTORY_TEST) (swap! flags conj :factory-test)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_FORWARD_LOCK) (swap! flags conj :forward-lock)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_HAS_CODE) (swap! flags conj :has-code)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_INSTALLED) (swap! flags conj :installed)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_IS_DATA_ONLY) (swap! flags conj :is-data-only)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_KILL_AFTER_RESTORE) (swap! flags conj :kill-after-restore)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_LARGE_HEAP) (swap! flags conj :large-heap)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_PERSISTENT) (swap! flags conj :persistent)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_RESIZEABLE_FOR_SCREENS) (swap! flags conj :resizeable-for-screens)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_RESTORE_ANY_VERSION) (swap! flags conj :restore-any-version)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_STOPPED) (swap! flags conj :stopped)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_SUPPORTS_LARGE_SCREENS) (swap! flags conj :supports-large-screens)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_SUPPORTS_NORMAL_SCREENS) (swap! flags conj :supports-normal-screens)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_SUPPORTS_RTL) (swap! flags conj :supports-rtl)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_SUPPORTS_SCREEN_DENSITIES) (swap! flags conj :supports-screen-densities)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_SUPPORTS_SMALL_SCREENS) (swap! flags conj :supports-small-screen)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_SUPPORTS_XLARGE_SCREENS) (swap! flags conj :supports-xlarge-screen)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_SYSTEM) (swap! flags conj :system)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_TEST_ONLY) (swap! flags conj :test-only)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_UPDATED_SYSTEM_APP) (swap! flags conj :updated-system-app)) (when (bit-and % ApplicationInfo/FLAG_VM_SAFE_MODE) (swap! flags conj :vm-safe-mode)) @flags) (.flags application)) :install-location (.installLocation application) :largest-width-limit-dp (.largestWidthLimitDp application) :manage-space-activity-name (.manageSpaceActivityName application) :native-library-dir (.nativeLibraryDir application) :permission (.permission application) :process-name (.processName application) :public-source-dir (.publicSourceDir application) :requires-smallest-width-dp (.requiresSmallestWidthDp application) :resource-dirs (set (.resourceDirs application)) :seinfo (.seinfo application) :shared-library-files (set (.sharedLibraryFiles application)) :source-dir (.sourceDir application) :target-sdk-version (.targetSdkVersion application) :task-affinity (.taskAffinity application) :theme (load-res-resource-name application (.theme application)) :uid (.uid application) :ui-options (.uiOptions application)})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
parse ConfigurationInfo | (defn parse-configuration-info [^ConfigurationInfo configuration] (merge {} {:req-gles-version (#(case % ConfigurationInfo/GL_ES_VERSION_UNDEFINED :undefined %) (.reqGlEsVersion configuration)) :req-input-features (#(let [flags (atom #{})] (when (bit-and % ConfigurationInfo/INPUT_FEATURE_FIVE_WAY_NAV) (swap! flags conj :five-way-nav)) (when (bit-and % ConfigurationInfo/INPUT_FEATURE_HARD_KEYBOARD) (swap! flags conj :hard-keyboard)) @flags) (.reqInputFeatures configuration)) :req-keyboard-type (.reqKeyboardType configuration) :req-navigation (.reqNavigation configuration) :req-touch-screen (.reqTouchScreen configuration)})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
parse InstrumentationInfo | (defn parse-instrumentation-info [^InstrumentationInfo instrumentation] (merge {} (parse-package-item-info instrumentation) {:data-dir (.dataDir instrumentation) :functional-test (.functionalTest instrumentation) :handle-profiling (.handleProfiling instrumentation) :native-library-dir (.nativeLibraryDir instrumentation) :public-source-dir (.publicSourceDir instrumentation) :source-dir (.sourceDir instrumentation) :target-package (.targetPackage instrumentation)})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
parse PermissionGroupInfo | (defn parse-permission-group-info [^PermissionGroupInfo permission-group] (merge {} (parse-package-item-info permission-group) {:description (load-res-string permission-group (.descriptionRes permission-group) (.nonLocalizedDescription permission-group)) :description-res (.descriptionRes permission-group) :flags (#(let [flags (atom #{})] (swap! flags conj (case % PermissionGroupInfo/FLAG_PERSONAL_INFO :personal-info %)) @flags) (.flags permission-group)) :non-localized-description (.nonLocalizedDescription permission-group) :priority (.priority permission-group)})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
parse PermissionInfo | (defn parse-permission-info [^PermissionInfo permission] (merge {} (parse-package-item-info permission) {:description (load-res-string permission (.descriptionRes permission) (.nonLocalizedDescription permission)) :description-res (.descriptionRes permission) :flags (#(let [flags (atom #{})] (when (bit-and % PermissionInfo/FLAG_COSTS_MONEY) (swap! flags conj :costs-money)) @flags) (.flags permission)) :group (.group permission) :non-localized-description (str (.nonLocalizedDescription permission)) :protection-level (#(let [flags (atom #{}) protection-basic (bit-and % PermissionInfo/PROTECTION_MASK_BASE) protection-flags (bit-and % PermissionInfo/PROTECTION_MASK_FLAGS)] (swap! flags conj (case protection-basic PermissionInfo/PROTECTION_DANGEROUS :dangerous PermissionInfo/PROTECTION_NORMAL :normal PermissionInfo/PROTECTION_SIGNATURE :signature PermissionInfo/PROTECTION_SIGNATURE_OR_SYSTEM :signature-or-system :unknown-protection-basic-level)) (when (bit-and protection-flags PermissionInfo/PROTECTION_FLAG_DEVELOPMENT) (swap! flags conj :development)) (when (bit-and protection-flags PermissionInfo/PROTECTION_FLAG_SYSTEM) (swap! flags conj :system)) @flags) (.protectionLevel permission))})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
parse ProviderInfo | (defn parse-provider-info [^ProviderInfo provider] (merge {} (parse-component-info provider) {:authority (.authority provider) :flags (#(let [flags (atom #{})] (when (bit-and % ProviderInfo/FLAG_SINGLE_USER) (swap! flags conj :single-user)) @flags) (.flags provider)) :grant-uri-permissions (.grantUriPermissions provider) :init-order (.initOrder provider) :multiprocess (.multiprocess provider) :path-permissions (set (.pathPermissions provider)) :read-permission (.readPermission provider) :uri-permission-patterns (set (.uriPermissionPatterns provider)) :write-permission (.writePermission provider)})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
parse FeatureInfo | (defn parse-feature-info [^FeatureInfo feature] (merge {} {:flags (set (#(let [flags (atom #{})] (when (bit-and % FeatureInfo/FLAG_REQUIRED) (swap! flags conj :required)) @flags) (.flags feature))) :name (.name feature) :req-gles-version (#(case % FeatureInfo/GL_ES_VERSION_UNDEFINED :undefined %) (.reqGlEsVersion feature))})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
parse ServiceInfo | (defn parse-service-info [^ServiceInfo service] (merge {} (parse-component-info service) {:flags (#(let [flags (atom #{})] (when (bit-and % ServiceInfo/FLAG_ISOLATED_PROCESS) (swap! flags conj :isolated-process)) (when (bit-and % ServiceInfo/FLAG_SINGLE_USER) (swap! flags conj :single-user)) (when (bit-and % ServiceInfo/FLAG_STOP_WITH_TASK) (swap! flags conj :stop-with-task))) (.flags service)) :permission (.permission service)})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
manager users | (ns figurehead.api.os.user-manager.user-manager (:require (core [state :as state :refer [defcommand]])) (:require (figurehead.util [services :as services :refer [get-service]])) (:require [figurehead.api.os.user-manager.user-manager-parser :as parser]) (:require [clojure.string :as str] [ :as io] [clojure.set :as set :refer [subset?]]) (:import ( UserInfo) (android.os IUserManager UserHandle UserManager))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare create-user remove-user wipe-user set-user-name find-users find-user get-user-handle list-users get-max-users set-guest-enabled enable-guest disable-guest) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
create a user | (defcommand create-user [{:keys [name] :as args}] (when name (let [^IUserManager user-manager (get-service :user-manager)] (let [name (str name) ^UserInfo info (.createUser user-manager name 0)] (when info (parser/parse-user-info info)))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
remove a user | (defcommand remove-user [{:keys [name serial-number id handle] :as args}] (when (or name serial-number id handle) (let [^IUserManager user-manager (get-service :user-manager) handle (get-user-handle args)] (when handle (.removeUser user-manager handle))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
wipe a user | (defcommand wipe-user [{:keys [name serial-number id handle] :as args}] (when (or name serial-number id handle) (let [^IUserManager user-manager (get-service :user-manager) handle (get-user-handle args)] (when handle (.wipeUser user-manager handle))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
set user to a new name | (defcommand set-user-name [{:keys [name serial-number id handle new-name] :as args}] (when (and new-name (or name serial-number id handle)) (let [^IUserManager user-manager (get-service :user-manager) handle (get-user-handle args)] (when handle (.setUserName user-manager handle new-name))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
find users by name, serial-number, id, or flags | (defcommand find-users [{:keys [name serial-number id flags]}] (when (or name serial-number id flags) (let [users (list-users {})] (cond name (filter #(= name (:name %)) users) serial-number (filter #(= serial-number (:serial-number %)) users) id (filter #(= id (:id %)) users) flags (filter #(subset? flags (:flags %)) users))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
find a user by name, serial-number, or id | (defcommand find-user [{:keys [name serial-number id] :as args}] (when (or name serial-number id) (first (find-users args)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get user handle | (defcommand get-user-handle [{:keys [name serial-number id handle] :as args}] (cond handle handle (or name serial-number id) (let [^IUserManager user-manager (get-service :user-manager) user (find-user (merge {} (when name {:name name}) (when serial-number {:serial-number serial-number}) (when id {:id id})))] (when user (.getUserHandle user-manager (:serial-number user)))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
list all users | (defcommand list-users [{:keys [] :as args}] (let [^IUserManager user-manager (get-service :user-manager)] (into #{} (map parser/parse-user-info (.getUsers user-manager false))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get max number of supported users | (defcommand get-max-users [{:keys [] :as args}] (UserManager/getMaxSupportedUsers)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
set guest enable flag | (defcommand set-guest-enabled [{:keys [enabled?] :as args}] (let [^IUserManager user-manager (get-service :user-manager)] (.setGuestEnabled user-manager enabled?))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
enable guest | (defcommand enable-guest [{:keys [] :as args}] (set-guest-enabled {:enabled? true})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
disable guest | (defcommand disable-guest [{:keys [] :as args}] (set-guest-enabled {:enabled? false})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
parse User Manager objects into Clojure data structures | (ns figurehead.api.os.user-manager.user-manager-parser (:require (figurehead.util [services :as services :refer [get-service]])) (import ( UserInfo))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare parse-user-info) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
parse UserInfo | (defn parse-user-info [^UserInfo user-info] (merge {} {:creation-time (.creationTime user-info) :flags (#(let [flags (atom #{}) user-type (bit-and % UserInfo/FLAG_MASK_USER_TYPE)] (when (bit-and user-type UserInfo/FLAG_ADMIN) (swap! flags conj :admin)) (when (bit-and user-type UserInfo/FLAG_GUEST) (swap! flags conj :guest)) (when (bit-and user-type UserInfo/FLAG_INITIALIZED) (swap! flags conj :initialized)) (when (bit-and user-type UserInfo/FLAG_PRIMARY) (swap! flags conj :primary)) (when (bit-and user-type UserInfo/FLAG_RESTRICTED) (swap! flags conj :restricted)) @flags) (.flags user-info)) :icon-path ^String (.iconPath user-info) :id (.id user-info) :last-logged-in-time (.lastLoggedInTime user-info) :name ^String (.name user-info) :partial (.partial user-info) :serial-number (.serialNumber user-info)})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Android OS misc utils | (ns figurehead.api.os.util (:require (core [state :as state :refer [defcommand]])) (:require (figurehead.util [services :as services :refer [get-service]])) (:require [clojure.string :as str] [ :as io] [clojure.set :as set :refer [subset?]]) (:import (android.os SystemProperties))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare get-system-property set-system-property get-my-pid kill-process test-process) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
get system property by name | (defcommand get-system-property [{:keys [name def int? long? boolean?] :as args}] {:pre [name]} (when-let [name (str name)] (cond int? (SystemProperties/getInt name (if def def -1)) long? (SystemProperties/getLong name (if def def -1)) boolean? (SystemProperties/getBoolean name (if def def false)) :else (SystemProperties/get name (if def def ""))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
set system property by name to value | (defcommand set-system-property [{:keys [name value] :as args}] {:pre [name value]} (let [name (str name) value (str value)] (when (and name value) (SystemProperties/set name value)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get my process id (pid) | (defcommand get-my-pid [{:keys [] :as args}] {:pre []} (android.os.Process/myPid)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
kill process by pid | (defcommand kill-process [{:keys [pid] :as args}] {:pre [pid]} (when pid (android.os.Process/killProcess pid))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
test whether process is running by pid | (defcommand test-process [{:keys [pid] :as args}] {:pre [pid]} (when pid (let [ppid (android.os.Process/getParentPid pid)] (if (> ppid 0) true false)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
file utils | (ns figurehead.api.util.file (:require (core [state :as state :refer [defcommand]])) (:require (figurehead.util [services :as services :refer [get-service]])) (:require [clojure.string :as str] [ :as io]) (:import (android.content.res AssetManager Resources) (android.util Base64) ( File) ( FileUtils))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare decode-content-to-bytes encode-content-from-bytes decode-content-to-string encode-content-from-string decode-bytes-to-string encode-bytes-from-string write-file read-file) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
decode from Base64-encoded content to bytes | (defcommand decode-content-to-bytes [{:keys [^String content] :as args}] {:pre [content]} (when (and content) ^bytes (Base64/decode content Base64/DEFAULT))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
encode to Base64-encoded content from bytes | (defcommand encode-content-from-bytes [{:keys [^bytes bytes] :as args}] {:pre [bytes]} (when (and bytes) (Base64/encodeToString bytes (bit-or Base64/NO_WRAP 0)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
decode from Base64-encoded content to string | (defcommand decode-content-to-string [{:keys [^String content] :as args}] {:pre [content]} (when (and content) (decode-bytes-to-string {:bytes (decode-content-to-bytes {:content content})}))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
encode to Base64-encoded content from string | (defcommand encode-content-from-string [{:keys [^String string] :as args}] {:pre [string]} (when (and string) (encode-content-from-bytes {:bytes (encode-bytes-from-string {:string string})}))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
decode from bytes to UTF-8 string | (defcommand decode-bytes-to-string [{:keys [^bytes bytes] :as args}] {:pre [bytes]} (when (and bytes) (String. bytes "UTF-8"))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
encode to bytes from UTF-8 string | (defcommand encode-bytes-from-string [{:keys [^String string] :as args}] {:pre [string]} (when (and string) (.getBytes string "UTF-8"))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
write to file from string, Base64-encoded content, or bytes | (defcommand write-file [{:keys [file ^String string ^String content ^bytes bytes] :as args}] {:pre [file (or content string bytes)]} (when (and file (or content string bytes)) (with-open [the-file (io/output-stream (io/file file))] (let [bytes (cond string (encode-bytes-from-string string) content (decode-content-to-bytes content) bytes bytes)] (.write the-file ^bytes bytes))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
read from file to string, Base64-encoded content, or bytes | (defcommand read-file [{:keys [file string? content? bytes?] :as args}] {:pre [file (or string? content? bytes?)]} (when (and file (or string? content? bytes?)) (let [^bytes bytes (FileUtils/readFileToByteArray (io/file file))] (cond string? (decode-bytes-to-string {:bytes bytes}) content? (encode-content-from-bytes {:bytes bytes}) bytes? bytes)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
input (Input Events) wrapper | (ns figurehead.api.view.input (:require (core [state :as state :refer [defcommand]])) (:require (figurehead.util [services :as services :refer [get-service]])) (:require [clojure.string :as str] [ :as io]) (:import (android.hardware.input InputManager) (android.os SystemClock) (android.view InputDevice KeyCharacterMap KeyEvent MotionEvent))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare ;; porcelain text key-event tap swipe touchscreen touchpad touch-navigation trackball ;; plumbing send-text send-key-event send-tap send-swipe send-move inject-key-event inject-motion-event) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
porcelain | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defcommand text [{:keys [^String text] :as args}] (when text (send-text (merge args {:text text})))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defcommand key-event [{:keys [^String key-code meta-state] :or {meta-state 0} :as args}] (let [str-to-key-code (fn [str-key-code prefix] (let [key-code (KeyEvent/keyCodeFromString str-key-code)] (if (= key-code KeyEvent/KEYCODE_UNKNOWN) (KeyEvent/keyCodeFromString (str prefix (str/upper-case str-key-code))) key-code)))] (let [key-code (cond (number? key-code) key-code (string? key-code) (str-to-key-code key-code "KEYCODE_")) meta-state (cond (number? meta-state) meta-state (string? meta-state) (str-to-key-code meta-state "META_") (sequential? meta-state) (reduce bit-or 0 (map #(str-to-key-code % "META_") meta-state)))] (when (and key-code meta-state) (send-key-event (merge args {:key-code key-code :meta-state meta-state})))))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defcommand tap [{:keys [x y] :as args}] (when (and x y) (send-tap (merge args {:input-source InputDevice/SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN :x x :y y})))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defcommand swipe [{:keys [x1 y1 x2 y2] :as args}] (when (and x1 y1 x2 y2) (send-swipe (merge args {:input-source InputDevice/SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN :x1 x1 :y1 y1 :x2 x2 :y2 y2 :duration -1})))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(let [common-procedure (fn [input-source action args] (case action :tap (do (let [{:keys [x y]} args] (when (and x y) (send-tap (merge args {:input-source input-source :x x :y y}))))) :swipe (do (let [{:keys [x1 y1 x2 y2 duration]} args] (when (and x1 y1 x2 y2) (send-swipe (merge args {:input-source input-source :x1 x1 :y1 y1 :x2 x2 :y2 y2 :duration (if duration duration -1)}))))) :else))] (defcommand touchscreen [{:keys [action] :as args}] (common-procedure InputDevice/SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN (or action :tap) args)) (defcommand touchpad [{:keys [action] :as args}] (common-procedure InputDevice/SOURCE_TOUCHPAD (or action :tap) args)) (defcommand touch-navigation [{:keys [action] :as args}] (common-procedure InputDevice/SOURCE_TOUCH_NAVIGATION (or action :tap) args))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defcommand trackball [{:keys [action] :as args}] (let [input-source InputDevice/SOURCE_TRACKBALL] (case action :press (do (send-tap (merge args {:input-source input-source :x 0.0 :y 0.0}))) :roll (do (let [{:keys [dx dy]} args] (when (and dx dy) (send-move (merge args {:input-source input-source :dx dx :dy dy}))))) :else))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
plumbing | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
convert the characters of string text into key events and send to the device | (defcommand send-text [{:keys [^String text] :as args}] (let [kcm ^KeyCharacterMap (KeyCharacterMap/load KeyCharacterMap/VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD)] (doseq [^KeyEvent event (.getEvents kcm (.toCharArray text))] (inject-key-event {:event event})))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
send key event | (defcommand send-key-event [{:keys [key-code meta-state] :or {meta-state 0} :as args}] (let [now (SystemClock/uptimeMillis) ] (inject-key-event {:event (KeyEvent. now now KeyEvent/ACTION_DOWN key-code 0 meta-state KeyCharacterMap/VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD 0 0 InputDevice/SOURCE_KEYBOARD)}) (inject-key-event {:event (KeyEvent. now now KeyEvent/ACTION_UP key-code 0 meta-state KeyCharacterMap/VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD 0 0 InputDevice/SOURCE_KEYBOARD)}))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
send tap event | (defcommand send-tap [{:keys [input-source x y] :or {input-source InputDevice/SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN} :as args}] (let [now (SystemClock/uptimeMillis)] (inject-motion-event {:input-source input-source :action MotionEvent/ACTION_DOWN :when now :x x :y y :pressure 1.0}) (inject-motion-event {:input-source input-source :action MotionEvent/ACTION_UP :when now :x x :y y :pressure 0.0}))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
send swipe event | (defcommand send-swipe [{:keys [input-source x1 y1 x2 y2 duration] :or {input-source InputDevice/SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN} :as args}] (let [now (SystemClock/uptimeMillis) duration (if (>= duration 0) duration 300) start-time now end-time (+ now duration) lerp (fn [x y alpha] (+ x (* alpha (- y x))))] (inject-motion-event {:input-source input-source :action MotionEvent/ACTION_DOWN :when now :x x1 :y y1 :pressure 1.0}) (loop [now now] (if (< now end-time) (do (let [elapsed-time (- now start-time) alpha (/ (float elapsed-time) duration)] (inject-motion-event {:input-source input-source :action MotionEvent/ACTION_MOVE :when now :x (lerp x1 x2 alpha) :y (lerp y1 y2 alpha) :pressure 1.0})) (recur (SystemClock/uptimeMillis))) (inject-motion-event {:input-source input-source :action MotionEvent/ACTION_UP :when now :x x2 :y y2 :pressure 0.0}))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
send a zero-pressure move event | (defcommand send-move [{:keys [input-source dx dy] :or {input-source InputDevice/SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN} :as args}] (let [now (SystemClock/uptimeMillis)] (inject-motion-event {:input-source input-source :action MotionEvent/ACTION_MOVE :when now :x dx :y dy :pressure 0.0}))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
inject a key event | (defcommand inject-key-event [{:keys [^KeyEvent event] :as args}] (.. (InputManager/getInstance) (injectInputEvent event InputManager/INJECT_INPUT_EVENT_MODE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
inject a motion event | (defcommand inject-motion-event [{:keys [input-source action when meta-state x y pressure] :or {input-source InputDevice/SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN meta-state 0} :as args}] (let [size 1.0 precision-x 1.0 precision-y 1.0 device-id 0 edge-flags 0 event (MotionEvent/obtain when when action x y pressure size meta-state precision-x precision-y device-id edge-flags)] (.setSource event input-source) (.. (InputManager/getInstance) (injectInputEvent event InputManager/INJECT_INPUT_EVENT_MODE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
main entry into Figurehead | (ns figurehead.main (:require (figurehead.util [init :as init])) (:require (core main state init)) ;; these "require" are needed to handle lein-droid's :aot "removing unused namespace from classpath" feature (:require core.plugin.echo.main core.plugin.command-executor.main figurehead.plugin.unique-instance.main figurehead.plugin.nrepl.main figurehead.plugin.monitor.main figurehead.plugin.mastermind.main) (:import (android.os SystemProperties)) (:gen-class)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
the main entry | (defn -main [& args] (init/init) (core.init/require-and-set-default-plugins core.plugin.echo core.plugin.command-executor figurehead.plugin.unique-instance figurehead.plugin.nrepl figurehead.plugin.monitor figurehead.plugin.mastermind) (apply core.main/main args)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
connect to Mastermind | (ns figurehead.plugin.mastermind.main (:require (core [init :as init] [state :as state] [bus :as bus] [plugin :as plugin])) (:require (figurehead.util [unique-instance :refer [set-meta-data-entry register-meta-data-entry]])) (:require [clojure.string :as str] [ :as io] [clojure.stacktrace :refer [print-stack-trace]] [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]] [clojure.core.async :as async :refer [thread chan <!! >!!]]) (:import ( Socket SocketTimeoutException))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(def defaults (atom { :stop-unblock-tag :stop-figurehead.plugin.mastermind :mastermind-port 4321 :socket-timeout 15000 :writer-buffer 1000 })) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn populate-parse-opts-vector [current-parse-opts-vector] (init/add-to-parse-opts-vector [ ["-a" "--mastermind-address ADDR" "mastermind address"] (let [option :mastermind-port default (option @defaults)] ["-p" (str "--" (name option) " [PORT]") (str "mastermind port") :default default :parse-fn (get-in @init/parse-opts-vector-helper [:parse-fn :inet-port])]) ])) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn init [options] (register-meta-data-entry :mastermind-address) (register-meta-data-entry :mastermind-port) (when (and (:mastermind-address options) (:mastermind-port options)) true)) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn run [options] (let [verbose (:verbose options) mastermind-address (:mastermind-address options) mastermind-port (:mastermind-port options) instance-id (state/get-state :instance-id)] (set-meta-data-entry :mastermind-address mastermind-address) (set-meta-data-entry :mastermind-port mastermind-port) (let [sock (Socket. ^String mastermind-address ^int mastermind-port)] (plugin/blocking-jail [ ;; timeout nil ;; unblock-tag (:stop-unblock-tag @defaults) ;; finalization (do (.close sock)) ;; verbose verbose ] (.setSoTimeout sock (:socket-timeout @defaults)) ;; reader thread (thread (with-open [^ reader (io/reader sock)] (plugin/looping-jail [ ;; stop condition (plugin/get-state-entry :stop) ;; finalization (do (.close sock)) ;; verbose verbose ] (try (when-let [line (.readLine reader)] (try (let [message (read-string line) topic (bus/get-message-topic message) content (bus/remove-message-topic message)] (when verbose (pprint [:mastermind :reader message])) (case topic :command (do (bus/say!! :command content)) :else)) (catch RuntimeException e (when verbose (print-stack-trace e))))) (catch SocketTimeoutException e (when verbose (print-stack-trace e))))))) ;; writer thread (thread (with-open [^ writer (io/writer sock)] (let [ch (chan (:writer-buffer @defaults))] (bus/register-listener ch) (plugin/looping-jail [ ;; stop condition (plugin/get-state-entry :stop) ;; finalization (do (bus/unregister-listener ch) (.close sock)) ;; verbose verbose ] (let [message (<!! ch) topic (bus/get-message-topic message) content (bus/remove-message-topic message)] (cond ;; do NOT echo these topics back (not (contains? #{:command} topic)) (let [message (bus/build-message topic (cond (map? content) (merge content {:instance instance-id}) :else {:instance instance-id :content message}))] (when verbose (pprint [:mastermind :writer message])) (.write writer (prn-str message)) (.flush writer)))))))))))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn stop [] (plugin/set-state-entry :figurehead.plugin.mastermind :stop true) (plugin/unblock-thread (:stop-unblock-tag @defaults))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
the config map | (def config-map {:populate-parse-opts-vector populate-parse-opts-vector :init init :run run :stop stop :param {:priority 90 :auto-restart true}}) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
monitor Activities | (ns figurehead.plugin.monitor.main (:require (core [init :as init] [state :as state] [bus :as bus] [plugin :as plugin])) (:require (figurehead.util [services :as services :refer [get-service]])) (:require ( [activity-controller :as activity-controller])) (:require (figurehead.util [unique-instance :refer [set-meta-data-entry register-meta-data-entry]])) (:require [clojure.string :as str] [clojure.core.async :as async]) (:import (android.text.format Time) ( IActivityManager IActivityController$Stub ActivityManager$RunningAppProcessInfo) (android.content Intent) ( IPackageManager PackageManager ActivityInfo ServiceInfo ProviderInfo))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(def defaults (atom { :stop-unblock-tag :stop-figurehead.plugin.monitor })) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn populate-parse-opts-vector [current-parse-opts-vector] (init/add-to-parse-opts-vector [ ["-m" "--monitor" "enter monitor mode"] ])) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn init [options] (register-meta-data-entry :monitor) (when (:monitor options) true)) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn run [options] (let [verbose (:verbose options) now (Time.) activity-manager ^IActivityManager (get-service :activity-manager) activity-starting (fn [^Intent intent package] (locking intent (bus/say!! :activity-controller {:event :starting :timestamp (do (.setToNow now) (.toMillis now true)) :package (-> package keyword) :intent-action (-> intent .getAction keyword) ;; the "/" prevents straightforward keyword-ize :intent-component (str (.. intent getComponent getPackageName) "/" (.. intent getComponent getShortClassName)) :intent-category (into #{} (map keyword (.getCategories intent))) ;; data and extras may contain non-keyword-izable content :intent-data (-> intent .getDataString) :intent-extras (-> intent .getExtras) :intent-flags (-> intent .getFlags) } verbose)) true) activity-resuming (fn [package] (bus/say!! :activity-controller {:event :resuming :timestamp (do (.setToNow now) (.toMillis now true)) :package (-> package keyword) }) true) app-crashed (fn [process-name pid short-msg long-msg time-millis stack-trace] (doseq [^ActivityManager$RunningAppProcessInfo app-proc (.getRunningAppProcesses activity-manager)] (when (and (= pid (.pid app-proc)) (= process-name (.processName app-proc))) (bus/say!! :activity-controller {:event :crashed :timestamp (do (.setToNow now) (.toMillis now true)) :packages (into #{} (map keyword (.pkgList app-proc)))}))) true) app-early-not-responding (fn [process-name pid annotation] 1) app-not-responding (fn [process-name pid process-stats] 1) system-not-responding (fn [msg] 1)] (set-meta-data-entry :monitor true) (plugin/blocking-jail [ ;; timeout nil ;; unblock-tag (:stop-unblock-tag @defaults) ;; finalization (do (activity-controller/set-activity-controller {:reset? true})) ;; verbose verbose ] (activity-controller/set-activity-controller {:activity-starting activity-starting :activity-resuming activity-resuming :app-crashed app-crashed :app-early-not-responding app-early-not-responding :app-not-responding app-not-responding :system-not-responding system-not-responding})))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn stop [options] (plugin/set-state-entry :figurehead.plugin.monitor :stop true) (plugin/unblock-thread (:stop-unblock-tag @defaults))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
the config map | (def config-map {:populate-parse-opts-vector populate-parse-opts-vector :init init :run run :stop stop :param {:priority 1 :auto-restart false}}) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
helper for starting nREPL server acknowledgement: | (ns figurehead.plugin.nrepl.helper (:require (core [plugin :as plugin])) (:require [ :refer [file delete-file]] [ :as nrepl-server] (:import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare enable-dynamic-compilation clean-cache start-repl) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(def defaults (atom { :repl-worker-thread-stack-size 8388608 ; nrepl 8M })) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
ref: neko.compilation | (def ^{:doc :private true} cache-path (atom nil)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn- android-thread-factory [] (let [counter (AtomicLong. 0)] (reify ThreadFactory (newThread [_ runnable] (doto (Thread. (.getThreadGroup (Thread/currentThread)) runnable (format "nREPL-worker-%s" (.getAndIncrement counter)) (:repl-worker-thread-stack-size @defaults)) (.setDaemon true)))))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
get absolute path of name | (defn- get-absolute-path-from-cwd [& path-components] (clojure.string/join File/separator ;; ;; (into [(System/getProperty "")] ;; path-components) ;; ;; Do not cache optimized classes on external storage. External storage does not provide access controls necessary to protect your application from code injection attacks. (into ["/data/dalvik-cache/"] path-components))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
enable dynamic compilation; adapt from neko.compilation/init | (defn enable-dynamic-compilation [clojure-cache-dir] (let [path (get-absolute-path-from-cwd clojure-cache-dir)] (.mkdir (file path)) (plugin/set-state-entry :repl-dynamic-compilation-path path) (reset! cache-path path) (System/setProperty "clojure.compile.path" path) (alter-var-root #'clojure.core/*compile-path* (constantly path)) ;; clean staled cache (clean-cache))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
from neko.compilation | (defn- cache-file? [^String name] (and (.startsWith name "repl-") (or (.endsWith name ".dex") (.endsWith name ".jar")))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
clean compilation cache | (defn clean-cache [] (locking cache-path (when-let [cache-path @cache-path] (doseq [^File f (file-seq (file cache-path))] (try (when (and (.isFile f) (cache-file? (.getName f))) ;; wierd EBUSY error: (let [^File tmp (file (str (.getAbsolutePath f) (System/currentTimeMillis)))] (.renameTo f tmp) (delete-file tmp))) (catch Exception e))) ;; remake the directory if necessary (let [^File compile-path (file cache-path)] (when-not (.exists compile-path) (.mkdir compile-path)))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
neko.init/start-repl | (defn start-repl [& repl-args] (binding [*ns* (create-ns 'user)] (refer-clojure) (use 'clojure.repl) (use 'clojure.pprint) (use ' (require '(clojure [string :as str] [set :as set] [stacktrace :as stacktrace :refer [print-stack-trace]])) ;; Android API wrapper (require '[ :as activity-manager]) (require '[figurehead.api.content.intent :as intent]) (require '[ :as package-manager]) (require '[ :as package-manager-parser]) (require '[figurehead.api.view.input :as input]) (require '[figurehead.api.os.user-manager.user-manager :as user-manager]) (require '[figurehead.api.os.user-manager.user-manager-parser :as user-manager-parser]) (require '[figurehead.api.os.util :as os-util]) (require '[figurehead.api.util.file :as util-file]) (require '(core [bus :as bus] [plugin :as plugin] [state :as state])) (try (require 'compliment.core) (catch Exception e)) (use ' (require '[ :as ie]) (with-redefs-fn {(resolve 'ie/configure-thread-factory) android-thread-factory} #(apply (resolve 'start-server) repl-args)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
nREPL server with cider-nrepl middleware support | (ns figurehead.plugin.nrepl.main (:require (core [init :as init] [state :as state] [bus :as bus] [plugin :as plugin])) (:require [figurehead.plugin.nrepl.helper :as helper]) (:require (figurehead.util [unique-instance :refer [set-meta-data-entry register-meta-data-entry]])) (:require [ :as nrepl-server] ;; comment out the middlewares that are incompatible with Dalvik (cider.nrepl.middleware apropos classpath complete ;;info inspect macroexpand resource stacktrace test ;;trace) ;;[cider.nrepl :refer [cider-nrepl-handler]] compliment.core complete.core [clojure.stacktrace :refer [print-stack-trace]] [clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<!! chan]]) (:import (java.util.concurrent TimeUnit ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor Executors ScheduledFuture))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(def defaults (atom { :repl-clojure-cache-dir "figurehead-cache" :stop-unblock-tag :stop-figurehead.plugin.nrepl :clean-cache-interval (* 15 60) })) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn populate-parse-opts-vector [current-parse-opts-vector] (init/add-to-parse-opts-vector [ (let [option :nrepl-port] ["-R" (str "--" (name option) " [PORT]") (str "nREPL port") :parse-fn (get-in @init/parse-opts-vector-helper [:parse-fn :inet-port])]) ])) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn init [options] (register-meta-data-entry :nrepl-port) (when (and (:nrepl-port options)) true)) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
A vector containing all CIDER middleware. | (def ^:private cider-middleware '[cider.nrepl.middleware.apropos/wrap-apropos cider.nrepl.middleware.classpath/wrap-classpath cider.nrepl.middleware.complete/wrap-complete ;; cider.nrepl.middleware.inspect/wrap-inspect cider.nrepl.middleware.macroexpand/wrap-macroexpand cider.nrepl.middleware.resource/wrap-resource cider.nrepl.middleware.stacktrace/wrap-stacktrace cider.nrepl.middleware.test/wrap-test ;;cider.nrepl.middleware.trace/wrap-trace ]) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CIDER's nREPL handler. | (def ^:private cider-nrepl-handler (apply nrepl-server/default-handler (map resolve cider-middleware))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn run [options] (let [verbose (:verbose options) nrepl-port (:nrepl-port options) scheduler ^ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor (Executors/newScheduledThreadPool 1) clean-cache-task (delay ^ScheduledFuture (.scheduleAtFixedRate scheduler #(helper/clean-cache) (:clean-cache-interval @defaults) (:clean-cache-interval @defaults) TimeUnit/SECONDS))] (set-meta-data-entry :nrepl-port nrepl-port) (plugin/blocking-jail [ ;; timeout nil ;; unblock-tag (:stop-unblock-tag @defaults) ;; finalization (do (nrepl-server/stop-server (plugin/get-state-entry :nrepl-server)) (.cancel ^ScheduledFuture @clean-cache-task true) (helper/clean-cache)) ;; verbose verbose ] (helper/enable-dynamic-compilation (:repl-clojure-cache-dir @defaults)) (when verbose (prn [:repl-dynamic-compilation-path (plugin/get-state-entry :repl-dynamic-compilation-path)])) (plugin/set-state-entry :nrepl-server (helper/start-repl :port nrepl-port :handler cider-nrepl-handler)) (plugin/register-exit-hook :figurehead.plugin.nrepl.clean-cache #(helper/clean-cache)) ;; trigger the delayed task @clean-cache-task))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn stop [options] (plugin/set-state-entry :core.plugin.nrepl :stop true) (plugin/unblock-thread (:stop-unblock-tag @defaults))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
the config map | (def config-map { :populate-parse-opts-vector populate-parse-opts-vector :init init :run run :stop stop :param {:priority 1 :auto-restart true}}) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
ensuring a unique instance of figurehead | (ns figurehead.plugin.unique-instance.main (:require (core [init :as init] [state :as state] [bus :as bus] [plugin :as plugin])) (:use (figurehead.util unique-instance)) (:require (clojure [pprint :refer [pprint]])) (:import (android.os SystemProperties))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(def defaults (atom {})) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn populate-parse-opts-vector [current-parse-opts-vector] (init/add-to-parse-opts-vector [ (let [option :kill] [nil (str "--" (name option)) (str "kill existing instance and exit")]) (let [option :replace] [nil (str "--" (name option)) (str "replace existing instance and continue")]) (let [option :status] [nil (str "--" (name option)) (str "return status of existing instance and exit")]) ])) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn init [options] true) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn run [options] (let [kill? (:kill options) replace? (:replace options) status? (:status options)] (cond status? (do (let [is-running? (is-running?)] (pprint (if is-running? {:is-running? true :state (get-meta-data)} (do (unset-meta-data) {:is-running? false})))) (System/exit 0)) kill? (do (kill-existing-instance) (System/exit 0))) (if replace? (replace-existing-instance) (keep-existing-instance)))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
the config map | (def config-map { :populate-parse-opts-vector populate-parse-opts-vector :init init :run run ;;:stop stop :param {:priority 1 ;;:auto-restart true }}) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
figurehead helpers | (ns figurehead.ui.helper.figurehead (:use (figurehead.ui su util)) (:require (neko [threading :refer [on-ui]] [notify :refer [toast]])) (:require (clojure [string :as str] [set :as set] [pprint :refer [pprint]] [stacktrace :refer [print-stack-trace]])) (:import (android.content Context)) (:import (android.widget Switch Button CheckBox EditText TextView ScrollView) (android.view View) (java.util List))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare get-figurehead-apk-path build-figurehead-command figurehead-is-running? get-running-figurehead-state) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
get path to the backing APK | (defn get-figurehead-apk-path [^Context context] (let [apk-path (get-app-info-entry :apk-path)] ;; if already (if apk-path apk-path (when-let [package-manager (.getPackageManager context)] (let [package-name (.getPackageName context)] (when-let [app-info (.getApplicationInfo package-manager package-name 0)] (let [apk-path (.publicSourceDir app-info)] (set-app-info-entry :apk-path apk-path) apk-path))))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
build figurehead command to feed SU | (defn build-figurehead-command [& commands] (when-let [figurehead-script @(get-app-info-entry :figurehead-script)] (str/join " " (into [figurehead-script] commands)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
fast check of whether figurehead is running based on external commands | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
the SU instance for figurehead-is-running? | (def ^:private su-figurehead-is-running (atom nil)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
return whether figurehead is running | (defn figurehead-is-running? [] (let [is-running? (promise) commands ["pgrep -f figurehead.main"] timeout 60] (execute-root-command :commands commands :timeout timeout :callback? true :buffered? true :on-normal (do (try (deliver is-running? (and output (not (empty? (.trim (str/join " " output)))))) (catch Exception e (print-stack-trace e) (deliver is-running? false)))) :on-error (do (deliver is-running? false)) :error-message "Cannot determine whether Figurehead is running") @is-running?)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get the running figurehead session's state | (defn get-running-figurehead-state [] (let [state (promise)] (if (figurehead-is-running?) (do (let [commands [(build-figurehead-command "--status")] timeout 120] (execute-root-command :commands commands :timeout timeout :callback? true :buffered? true :on-normal (do (let [output (str/join " " output)] (try (deliver state (read-string output)) (catch Exception e (print-stack-trace e) (deliver state nil))))) :on-error (do (deliver state nil)) :error-message "Cannot access Figurehead running state"))) (do (deliver state nil))) @state)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
REPL helpers | (ns figurehead.ui.helper.repl (:use (figurehead.ui su util)) (:require (neko init [threading :refer [on-ui]] [notify :refer [toast]])) (:require (clojure [string :as str] [set :as set] [pprint :refer [pprint]] [stacktrace :refer [print-stack-trace]])) (:require [clojure.core.async :as async]) (:require [ :as nrepl-server] (cider.nrepl.middleware apropos classpath ;;complete ;;info inspect macroexpand resource stacktrace test ;;trace))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare start-repl stop-repl) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
the sole REPL session to figurehead.ui | (def repl-session (atom nil)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
A vector containing all CIDER middleware. | (def ^:private cider-middleware '[cider.nrepl.middleware.apropos/wrap-apropos cider.nrepl.middleware.classpath/wrap-classpath ;;cider.nrepl.middleware.complete/wrap-complete ;; cider.nrepl.middleware.inspect/wrap-inspect cider.nrepl.middleware.macroexpand/wrap-macroexpand cider.nrepl.middleware.resource/wrap-resource cider.nrepl.middleware.stacktrace/wrap-stacktrace cider.nrepl.middleware.test/wrap-test ;;cider.nrepl.middleware.trace/wrap-trace ]) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CIDER's nREPL handler. | (def ^:private cider-nrepl-handler (apply nrepl-server/default-handler (map resolve cider-middleware))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
start REPL is there is none | (defn start-repl [& {:keys [port] :or {port 9999} :as args}] (when-not @repl-session (background-thread (reset! repl-session (neko.init/start-repl :port port :handler cider-nrepl-handler)) ;; set up 'user ns (do (in-ns 'user) (use 'clojure.repl) (use 'clojure.pprint) (use ' (require 'clojure.set :as set) (use 'neko.doc) (use 'neko.debug))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
stop the sole | (defn stop-repl [] (let [session @repl-session] (when session (background-thread (reset! repl-session nil) (nrepl-server/stop-server session))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
widgets helpers | (ns figurehead.ui.helper.widgets (:use (figurehead.ui su util) (figurehead.ui.helper figurehead)) (:require (neko [threading :refer [on-ui]] [notify :refer [toast]])) (:require (clojure [string :as str] [set :as set] [pprint :refer [pprint]] [stacktrace :refer [print-stack-trace]])) (:import (android.widget Switch Button CheckBox EditText TextView ScrollView) (android.view View))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare with-widgets set-enabled sync-widgets-to-state sync-widgets-to-figurehead widgets-to-arg-map widgets-to-figurehead-args save-widget-state get-saved-widget-state) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
wrap body with widgets tagged bindings | (defmacro with-widgets [widgets & body] `(let [widgets# ~widgets ~'widget-figurehead-switch ^Switch (:figurehead-switch widgets#) ~'widget-monitor ^CheckBox (:monitor widgets#) ~'widget-verbose ^CheckBox (:verbose widgets#) ~'widget-wifi-if ^TextView (:wifi-if widgets#) ~'widget-repl-port ^EditText (:repl-port widgets#) ~'widget-mastermind-address ^EditText (:mastermind-address widgets#) ~'widget-mastermind-port ^EditText (:mastermind-port widgets#) ~'widget-extra-args ^EditText (:extra-args widgets#) ~'widget-status ^TextView (:status widgets#) ~'widget-scroll-status ^ScrollView (:scroll-status widgets#) ~'widget-clear-status ^Button (:clear-status widgets#)] ~@body)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
set enabled status of the widgets | (defn set-enabled [widgets enabled] (on-ui (doseq [[_ ^View widget] widgets] (.setEnabled widget enabled)) ;; special cases (with-widgets widgets (.setEnabled widget-wifi-if true)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
sync widgets to state | (defn sync-widgets-to-state [widgets state] (on-ui (with-widgets widgets (try ;; temporarily disable all widgets during state transition (set-enabled widgets false) (try (when-not (nil? (:monitor state)) (.setChecked widget-monitor (Boolean/parseBoolean ^String (str (:monitor state))))) (catch Exception e)) (try (when-not (nil? (:verbose state)) (.setChecked widget-verbose (Boolean/parseBoolean ^String (str (:verbose state))))) (catch Exception e)) (try (when-not (nil? (:nrepl-port state)) (.setText widget-repl-port ^String (let [nrepl-port ^String (str (:nrepl-port state))] (if nrepl-port nrepl-port "")))) (catch Exception e)) (try (when-not (nil? (:mastermind-address state)) (.setText widget-mastermind-address ^String (let [mastermind-address ^String (str (:mastermind-address state))] (if mastermind-address mastermind-address "")))) (catch Exception e)) (try (when-not (nil? (:mastermind-port state)) (.setText widget-mastermind-port ^String (let [mastermind-port ^String (str (:mastermind-port state))] (if mastermind-port mastermind-port "")))) (catch Exception e)) (try (when-not (nil? (:extra-args state)) (.setText widget-extra-args ^String (let [extra-args ^String (str (:extra-args state))] (if extra-args extra-args "")))) (catch Exception e)) (try (when-not (nil? (:is-running? state)) (.setChecked widget-figurehead-switch (Boolean/parseBoolean ^String (str (:is-running? state))))) (catch Exception e)) (catch Exception e (print-stack-trace e)) (finally ;; enable needed widgets (if (.isChecked widget-figurehead-switch) (do (.setEnabled widget-figurehead-switch true) (.setEnabled widget-scroll-status true) (.setEnabled widget-status true) (.setEnabled widget-clear-status true)) (do (set-enabled widgets true)))))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
the first sync should be from SU figurehead; later can from saved widget state | (def ^:private first-sync? (atom true)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
sync widgets status to figurehead | (defn sync-widgets-to-figurehead [widgets] (background-thread (let [saved-widget-state (get-saved-widget-state)] (sync-widgets-to-state widgets (if (and saved-widget-state ;; force to sync at least once (not @first-sync?)) saved-widget-state (do (let [state (get-running-figurehead-state) is-running? (if (:is-running? state) true false)] (assoc (:state state) :is-running? is-running?)) (reset! first-sync? false))))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
convert widgets to Figurehead argument map | (defn widgets-to-arg-map [widgets] (let [args (atom {})] (with-widgets widgets (try (let [checked (.isChecked widget-monitor)] (swap! args assoc :monitor checked)) (catch Exception e (print-stack-trace e))) (try (let [checked (.isChecked widget-verbose)] (swap! args assoc :verbose checked)) (catch Exception e (print-stack-trace e))) (try (let [port (int (read-string (.. widget-repl-port getText toString trim)))] (if (< 0 port 65536) (do (swap! args assoc :repl-port port)) (do (on-ui (.setText widget-repl-port ""))))) (catch Exception e (print-stack-trace e) (on-ui (.setText widget-repl-port "")))) (try (let [text (read-string (str "\"" (.. widget-mastermind-address getText toString trim) "\""))] (when-not (empty? text) (swap! args assoc :mastermind-address text))) (catch Exception e (print-stack-trace e) (on-ui (.setText widget-mastermind-address "")))) (try (let [port (int (read-string (.. widget-mastermind-port getText toString trim)))] (if (< 0 port 65536) (do (swap! args assoc :mastermind-port port)) (do (on-ui (.setText widget-mastermind-port ""))))) (catch Exception e (print-stack-trace e) (on-ui (.setText widget-mastermind-port "")))) (try (let [text (read-string (str "\"" (.. widget-extra-args getText toString trim) "\""))] (when-not (empty? text) (swap! args assoc :extra-args text))) (catch Exception e (print-stack-trace e) (on-ui (.setText widget-extra-args ""))))) @args)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
construct figurehead command-line args from widgets | (defn widgets-to-figurehead-args [widgets] (let [args (atom []) arg-map (widgets-to-arg-map widgets) monitor (:monitor arg-map) verbose (:verbose arg-map) repl-port (:repl-port arg-map) mastermind-address (:mastermind-address arg-map) mastermind-port (:mastermind-port arg-map) extra-args (:extra-args arg-map)] (when monitor (swap! args conj "--monitor")) (when verbose (swap! args conj "--verbose")) (when repl-port (swap! args conj (str "--nrepl-port " repl-port))) (when mastermind-address (swap! args conj (str "--mastermind-address " mastermind-address))) (when mastermind-port (swap! args conj (str "--mastermind-port " mastermind-port))) (when extra-args (swap! args conj (str extra-args))) @args)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
the saved widget state | (def ^:private saved-widget-state (atom {})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defn save-widget-state [widgets] (with-widgets widgets (try (swap! saved-widget-state assoc :monitor (.isChecked widget-monitor)) (swap! saved-widget-state assoc :verbose (.isChecked widget-verbose)) (swap! saved-widget-state assoc :nrepl-port (str (.getText widget-repl-port))) (swap! saved-widget-state assoc :mastermind-address (str (.getText widget-mastermind-address))) (swap! saved-widget-state assoc :mastermind-port (str (.getText widget-mastermind-port))) (swap! saved-widget-state assoc :extra-args (str (.getText widget-extra-args))) (swap! saved-widget-state assoc :is-running? (.isChecked widget-figurehead-switch)) (catch Exception e (reset! saved-widget-state nil))))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
obtain the saved widget state | (defn get-saved-widget-state [] @saved-widget-state) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(ns figurehead.ui.main (:use (figurehead.ui su util) (figurehead.ui.helper figurehead widgets)) (:require (neko [activity :refer [defactivity set-content-view! with-activity]] [notify :refer [toast]] [threading :refer [on-ui]] [find-view :refer [find-view]] log) (neko.listeners [view :refer [on-click]])) (:require (clojure [string :as str] [pprint :refer [pprint]])) (:require [clojure.stacktrace :refer [print-stack-trace]]) (:import ( Activity) (android.widget Switch Button CheckBox EditText TextView ScrollView) (android.view View) (android.content Context)) (:import ( WifiManager) ( InetAddress) (java.nio ByteOrder) (java.math BigInteger)) (:import (java.util List)) (:import ( FilenameUtils)) (:import (figurehead.ui R$layout R$id)) (:import eu.chainfire.libsuperuser.Shell$Interactive)) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare update-wifi-if) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
all the widgets on this activity | (def widgets (atom nil)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(defactivity figurehead.ui.main :on-create (fn [^Activity this bundle] (do ;; UI initialization (on-ui (set-content-view! this R$layout/main)) (with-activity this (reset! widgets {:figurehead-switch ^Switch (find-view R$id/figurehead_switch) :monitor ^CheckBox (find-view R$id/monitor) :verbose ^CheckBox (find-view R$id/verbose) :wifi-if ^TextView (find-view R$id/wifi_if) :repl-port ^EditText (find-view R$id/repl_port) :mastermind-address ^EditText (find-view R$id/mastermind_address) :mastermind-port ^EditText (find-view R$id/mastermind_port) :extra-args ^EditText (find-view R$id/extra_args) :scroll-status ^ScrollView (find-view R$id/scroll_status) :status ^TextView (find-view R$id/status) :clear-status ^Button (find-view R$id/clear_status)}))) (set-app-info-entry :figurehead-script (promise)) (if (su?) (do (try (when-not (get-app-info-entry :apk-path) (set-app-info-entry :apk-path (get-figurehead-apk-path this))) (let [apk-path (get-app-info-entry :apk-path)] (if apk-path (do (let [path (FilenameUtils/getFullPath apk-path) figurehead-script "/system/bin/figurehead"] (let [commands [ ;; (str "mount -o rw,remount /system") ;; create the script in one write (str "echo \ (str/join "\\n" ["# bootstrapping Figurehead" (str "export CLASSPATH=" apk-path) (str "exec app_process " path " figurehead.main \\\"\\$@\\\)]) "\" > " figurehead-script) (str "chmod 700 " figurehead-script)] ;; factor in the time it takes for user to authorize SU timeout 120] (execute-root-command :commands commands :timeout timeout :callback? true :buffered? false :on-normal (do (deliver (get-app-info-entry :figurehead-script) figurehead-script)) :on-error (do (deliver (get-app-info-entry :figurehead-script) nil)) :error-message (str/join " " ["Cannot create" figurehead-script]))))) (do (on-ui (toast "Figurehead cannot find its own APK.")) (deliver (get-app-info-entry :figurehead-script) nil)))) (catch Exception e (print-stack-trace e)))) (do ;; no SU (on-ui (toast "Superuser needed but not available!"))))) :on-resume (fn [^Activity this] (let [widgets @widgets context this] (update-wifi-if context widgets) (with-widgets widgets (sync-widgets-to-figurehead widgets) (on-ui (.setOnClickListener widget-clear-status (on-click (update-wifi-if context widgets) ;; clear text (.setText widget-status ))) (.setOnClickListener widget-wifi-if (on-click (update-wifi-if context widgets))) (.setOnCheckedChangeListener widget-figurehead-switch (proxy [android.widget.CompoundButton$OnCheckedChangeListener] [] (onCheckedChanged [^android.widget.CompoundButton button-view is-checked?] (update-wifi-if context widgets) (background-looper-thread (let [figurehead-is-running? (figurehead-is-running?)] (when (not= is-checked? figurehead-is-running?) (on-ui ;; temporarily disable widgets during state transition (set-enabled widgets false) ;; allow user to change her mind (.setEnabled widget-figurehead-switch true)) (if is-checked? (do ;; turn on (let [figurehead-args (into ["--replace"] (widgets-to-figurehead-args widgets)) commands [(apply build-figurehead-command figurehead-args)] ;; this is supposed to be a long running command timeout 0] (execute-root-command :commands commands :timeout timeout :callback? true :buffered? false :command-line-listener (do (on-ui (.append widget-status (with-out-str (println line))) (.post widget-scroll-status #(.fullScroll widget-scroll-status View/FOCUS_DOWN)))) :on-normal (do ;; Figurehead returns (set-enabled widgets true) (on-ui (.setChecked widget-figurehead-switch false))) :on-error (do (.setEnabled widget-figurehead-switch true) (.setEnabled widget-scroll-status true) (.setEnabled widget-status true) (.setEnabled widget-clear-status true)) :error-message "Cannot start Figurehead")) ;; enable needed widgets (on-ui (do (.setEnabled widget-figurehead-switch true) (.setEnabled widget-scroll-status true) (.setEnabled widget-status true) (.setEnabled widget-clear-status true)))) (do ;; turn off (let [commands [(build-figurehead-command "--kill")] timeout 120] (execute-root-command :commands commands :timeout timeout :callback? true :buffered? false :on-normal (do (on-ui (set-enabled widgets true))) :error-message "Cannot turn off Figurehead")))))))))))))) :on-pause (fn [^Activity this] (let [widgets @widgets] (with-widgets widgets (save-widget-state widgets)))) :on-stop (fn [^Activity this] (let [widgets @widgets] (with-widgets widgets (save-widget-state widgets)))) :on-destroy (fn [^Activity this] (let [widgets @widgets] (with-widgets widgets (save-widget-state widgets))))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
update wifi-if widget based on current WiFi address | (defn update-wifi-if [^Context context widgets] (with-widgets widgets (let [wifi-manager ^WifiManager (.getSystemService context Context/WIFI_SERVICE)] (if wifi-manager (let [ip (.. wifi-manager getConnectionInfo getIpAddress) ip-byte-array (.. (BigInteger/valueOf (if (= (ByteOrder/nativeOrder) ByteOrder/BIG_ENDIAN) ip (Integer/reverseBytes ip))) toByteArray)] (try (let [ip (.. (InetAddress/getByAddress ip-byte-array) getHostAddress)] (on-ui (.setText widget-wifi-if ip))) (catch Exception e (print-stack-trace e) (on-ui (.setText widget-wifi-if ""))))) (do (on-ui (.setText widget-wifi-if ""))))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(ns (:use (figurehead.ui util)) (:require (neko [notify :refer [toast]] [threading :refer [on-ui]] [log :as log])) (:require (clojure [string :as str] [stacktrace :refer [print-stack-trace]])) (:import (android.content Context)) (:import (java.util Collection ArrayList List)) (:import eu.chainfire.libsuperuser.Shell eu.chainfire.libsuperuser.Shell$SU eu.chainfire.libsuperuser.Shell$SH eu.chainfire.libsuperuser.Shell$Interactive eu.chainfire.libsuperuser.Shell$Builder eu.chainfire.libsuperuser.Shell$OnCommandLineListener eu.chainfire.libsuperuser.Shell$OnCommandResultListener)) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare su? su sh open-root-shell execute-root-command) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
check whether SuperUser is available | (defn su? [] (Shell$SU/available)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
run cmds with Super User | (defn su [& commands] (when commands (Shell$SU/run (ArrayList. ^Collection commands)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
run cmds with SHell | (defn sh [& commands] (when commands (Shell$SH/run (ArrayList. ^Collection commands)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
open a new root shell | (defmacro open-root-shell [& {:keys [timeout want-stderr? minimal-logging? callback? command-result-listener on-shell-running on-watchdog-exit on-shell-died on-shell-exec-failed on-shell-wrong-uid on-default on-error on-normal error-message] :or {timeout 0 want-stderr? false minimal-logging? true callback? false error-message "open-root-shell"} :as args}] `(let [timeout# ~timeout want-stderr?# ~want-stderr? minimal-logging?# ~minimal-logging? ~'error-message ~error-message su# (promise)] (background-looper-thread (deliver su# (.. (Shell$Builder.) (useSU) (setAutoHandler true) (setWatchdogTimeout timeout#) (setWantSTDERR want-stderr?#) (setMinimalLogging minimal-logging?#) (open ~(when callback? `(proxy [Shell$OnCommandResultListener] [] (onCommandResult [~'command-code ~'exit-code ^List ~'output] ~command-result-listener (if (>= ~'exit-code 0) (do ;; normal ~on-normal) (do ;; error (let [error# (str ~'error-message " " ~'exit-code)] (neko.threading/on-ui (neko.notify/toast error#)) (neko.log/e error#)) ~on-error)) (case ~'exit-code Shell$OnCommandResultListener/SHELL_RUNNING (do ~on-shell-running) Shell$OnCommandResultListener/WATCHDOG_EXIT (do (let [error# (str ~'error-message " (timeout)")] (neko.threading/on-ui (neko.notify/toast error#)) (neko.log/e error#)) ~on-watchdog-exit) Shell$OnCommandResultListener/SHELL_DIED (do (let [error# (str ~'error-message " (died)")] (neko.threading/on-ui (neko.notify/toast error#)) (neko.log/e error#)) ~on-shell-died) Shell$OnCommandResultListener/SHELL_EXEC_FAILED (do (let [error# (str ~'error-message " (exec failed)")] (neko.threading/on-ui (neko.notify/toast error#)) (neko.log/e error#)) ~on-shell-exec-failed) Shell$OnCommandResultListener/SHELL_WRONG_UID (do (let [error# (str ~'error-message " (wrong uid)")] (neko.threading/on-ui (neko.notify/toast error#)) (neko.log/e error#)) ~on-shell-wrong-uid) ;; default clause ;; should not reach here (do ~on-default))))))))) @su#)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
execute root command | (defmacro execute-root-command [& {:keys [commands timeout command-code callback? buffered? command-result-listener command-line-listener on-shell-running on-watchdog-exit on-shell-died on-shell-exec-failed on-shell-wrong-uid on-default on-error on-normal error-message] :or {commands [] timeout 0 command-code 0 callback? false buffered? true error-message "execute-root-command"} :as args}] `(background-looper-thread (try (let [commands# ~commands timeout# ~timeout ~'command-code ~command-code ~'error-message ~error-message] (let [^Shell$Interactive ~'su-instance (open-root-shell :timeout timeout#)] (try (let [commands# (if (sequential? commands#) commands# [commands#])] (doseq [command# commands#] (let [~'command (str command#)] (let [info# (str "SU: " ~'command)] (log/i info#)) ~(if callback? (do (if buffered? (do ;; process buffered output `(.addCommand ^Shell$Interactive ~'su-instance ^String ~'command ~'command-code (proxy [Shell$OnCommandResultListener] [] (onCommandResult [~'command-code ~'exit-code ^List ~'output] ~command-result-listener (if (>= ~'exit-code 0) (do ;; normal ~on-normal) (do ;; error (let [error# (str ~'error-message " " ~'exit-code)] (neko.threading/on-ui (neko.notify/toast error#)) (neko.log/e error#)) ~on-error)) (case ~'exit-code Shell$OnCommandResultListener/SHELL_RUNNING (do ~on-shell-running) Shell$OnCommandResultListener/WATCHDOG_EXIT (do (let [error# (str ~'error-message " (timeout)")] (neko.threading/on-ui (neko.notify/toast error#)) (neko.log/e error#)) ~on-watchdog-exit) Shell$OnCommandResultListener/SHELL_DIED (do (let [error# (str ~'error-message " (died)")] (neko.threading/on-ui (neko.notify/toast error#)) (neko.log/e error#)) ~on-shell-died) Shell$OnCommandResultListener/SHELL_EXEC_FAILED (do (let [error# (str ~'error-message " (exec failed)")] (neko.threading/on-ui (neko.notify/toast error#)) (neko.log/e error#)) ~on-shell-exec-failed) Shell$OnCommandResultListener/SHELL_WRONG_UID (do (let [error# (str ~'error-message " (wrong uid)")] (neko.threading/on-ui (neko.notify/toast error#)) (neko.log/e error#)) ~on-shell-wrong-uid) ;; default clause ;; should not reach here (do ~on-default)))))) (do ;; process output line by line `(.addCommand ^Shell$Interactive ~'su-instance ^String ~'command ~'command-code (proxy [Shell$OnCommandLineListener] [] (onLine [^String ~'line] ~command-line-listener) (onCommandResult [~'command-code ~'exit-code] ~command-result-listener (if (>= ~'exit-code 0) (do ;; normal ~on-normal) (do ;; error (let [error# (str ~'error-message " " ~'exit-code)] (neko.threading/on-ui (neko.notify/toast error#)) (neko.log/e error#)) ~on-error)) (case ~'exit-code Shell$OnCommandLineListener/SHELL_RUNNING (do ~on-shell-running) Shell$OnCommandLineListener/WATCHDOG_EXIT (do (let [error# (str ~'error-message " (timeout)")] (neko.threading/on-ui (neko.notify/toast error#)) (neko.log/e error#)) ~on-watchdog-exit) Shell$OnCommandLineListener/SHELL_DIED (do (let [error# (str ~'error-message " (died)")] (neko.threading/on-ui (neko.notify/toast error#)) (neko.log/e error#)) ~on-shell-died) Shell$OnCommandLineListener/SHELL_EXEC_FAILED (do (let [error# (str ~'error-message " (exec failed)")] (neko.threading/on-ui (neko.notify/toast error#)) (neko.log/e error#)) ~on-shell-exec-failed) Shell$OnCommandLineListener/SHELL_WRONG_UID (do (let [error# (str ~'error-message " (wrong uid)")] (neko.threading/on-ui (neko.notify/toast error#)) (neko.log/e error#)) ~on-shell-wrong-uid) ;; default clause ;; should not reach here (do ~on-default)))))))) (do `(.addCommand ^Shell$Interactive ~'su-instance ^String ~'command)))))) (finally (.close ^Shell$Interactive ~'su-instance))))) (catch Exception e# (print-stack-trace e#))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
utilities | (ns figurehead.ui.util (:require (clojure [string :as str] [set :as set]))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare ;; threading background-thread background-looper-thread ;; app-info app-info get-app-info-entry update-app-info-entry set-app-info-entry unset-app-info-entry) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
threading | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
run the body in a background thread | (defmacro background-thread [& body] `(let [thread# (Thread. (fn [] (android.os.Process/setThreadPriority (android.os.Process/myTid) android.os.Process/THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND) ~@body))] (.start thread#) thread#)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
run the body in a background thread with a Looper | (defmacro background-looper-thread [& body] `(let [looper# (promise) thread# (Thread. (fn [] (android.os.Looper/prepare) (deliver looper# (android.os.Looper/myLooper)) (android.os.Process/setThreadPriority (android.os.Process/myTid) android.os.Process/THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND) ~@body (android.os.Looper/loop)))] (.start thread#) looper#)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
app info | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
app info | (def app-info (atom {})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get app info entry with | (defn get-app-info-entry [name] (get @app-info name)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
update app info entry with | (defn update-app-info-entry [name f & args] (apply swap! app-info update-in [name] f args)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
set app info entry with | (defn set-app-info-entry [name value] (swap! app-info assoc name value)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
unset app info entry with | (defn unset-app-info-entry [name] (swap! app-info dissoc name)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(ns figurehead.util.init (:require (figurehead.util [services :as services :refer [register-service]])) (:import (android.os ServiceManager IUserManager IUserManager$Stub) ( ActivityManagerNative IActivityManager) ( IPackageManager IPackageManager$Stub))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare init) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
register services | (defn- register-services [] (register-service :activity-manager ^IActivityManager #(ActivityManagerNative/getDefault)) (register-service :user-manager ^IUserManager #(->> (ServiceManager/getService "user") (IUserManager$Stub/asInterface))) (register-service :package-manager ^IPackageManager #(->> (ServiceManager/getService "package") (IPackageManager$Stub/asInterface)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
initialization | (defn init [] (register-services)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(ns figurehead.util.routines) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare vector-to-map) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
convert [:key1 val1 :key2 val2 ...] into {:key1 val1, key2 val2, ...} | (defn vector-to-map [v] (into {} (map vec (partition 2 v)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(ns (:require (core [bus :as bus]))) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare policy services get-service list-service register-service) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
internal policy of service procedures | (def policy (atom {:register-retry-interval 500})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
map from service tag to its (delayed) instance | (def services (atom {})) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get service by tag | (defn get-service [tag] (when-let [service (tag @services)] ;; get the (delayed) service @service)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get tags of all services | (defn list-services [] (keys @services)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
register a service with tag by (obtain-fn) | (defn register-service [tag obtain-fn] (swap! services assoc tag (delay (loop [h (obtain-fn)] (if h h (do (bus/say!! :error (str "obtaining " (name tag) "...")) (Thread/sleep (:register-retry-interval @policy)) (recur (obtain-fn)))))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
work with a unique Figurehead instance | (ns figurehead.util.unique-instance (:require (core [init :as init] [state :as state] [bus :as bus] [plugin :as plugin])) (:require (figurehead.api.os [util :as os-util])) (:import (android.os SystemProperties))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(declare ;; test whether running already is-running? ;; existing instance kill-existing-instance replace-existing-instance keep-existing-instance ;; pid get-pid set-pid ;; meta data meta-data get-meta-data-entry-sysprop get-meta-data-entry set-meta-data-entry unset-meta-data-entry get-meta-data unset-meta-data) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(def ^:private defaults (atom { :sysprop-pid "" :sysprop-meta-data "figurehead.meta-data" :exit-code-on-existing 19 })) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
test whether running already | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
test whether a Figurehead instance is already running | (defn is-running? [] (let [sys-pid (get-pid)] (os-util/test-process {:pid sys-pid}))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
existing instance | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
kill the existing Figurehead instance | (defn kill-existing-instance [] (let [sys-pid (get-pid)] (when (and (not= sys-pid 0) (is-running?)) (os-util/kill-process {:pid sys-pid}) (set-pid 0) (unset-meta-data)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
replace the existing Figurehead instance with the current oneexit if there is an existing Figurehead instance, continue otherwise | (let [run (fn [] (let [cur-pid (os-util/get-my-pid {})] (set-pid cur-pid) (.addShutdownHook ^Runtime (Runtime/getRuntime) (Thread. #(let [sys-pid (get-pid)] (when (= sys-pid cur-pid) (set-pid 0) (unset-meta-data)))))))] (defn replace-existing-instance [] (kill-existing-instance) (run)) (defn keep-existing-instance [] (if (is-running?) (System/exit (:exit-code-on-existing @defaults)) (run)))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
pid | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
get pid of the unique instance | (defn get-pid [] (let [sysprop-pid (:sysprop-pid @defaults) pid (os-util/get-system-property {:name sysprop-pid :def 0 :int? true})] pid)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
set pid of the unique instance | (defn set-pid [pid] (let [sysprop-pid (:sysprop-pid @defaults)] (os-util/set-system-property {:name sysprop-pid :value pid}))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
meta data | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(def meta-data (atom {})) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
get meta data entry's sysprop | (defn get-meta-data-entry-sysprop [entry-name] (str "figurehead." (cond (keyword? entry-name) (name entry-name) :else name))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get meta data entry | (defn get-meta-data-entry [name] (get @meta-data name)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
register meta data entry | (defn register-meta-data-entry [name] (swap! meta-data assoc name nil)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
set meta data entry | (defn set-meta-data-entry [name value] (let [sysprop (get-meta-data-entry-sysprop name)] (os-util/set-system-property {:name sysprop :value value}) (swap! meta-data assoc name value))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
unset meta data entry | (defn unset-meta-data-entry [name] (let [sysprop (get-meta-data-entry-sysprop name)] (swap! meta-data dissoc name) (os-util/set-system-property {:name sysprop :value ""}))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
get all meta data of the unique instance | (defn get-meta-data [] (into {} (for [name (keys @meta-data)] (let [sysprop (get-meta-data-entry-sysprop name) entry (os-util/get-system-property {:name sysprop})] [name entry])))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
unset all meta data of the unique instance | (defn unset-meta-data [] (doseq [name (keys @meta-data)] (let [sysprop (get-meta-data-entry-sysprop name)] (os-util/set-system-property {:name sysprop :value ""})))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||